Thursday 9 July 2020

How it all began - January 2020

A sad old Edwardian property sat empty on Coten End, in Warwick.

A couple of friends, chatting over a cup of tea nearby decide they'd like to bring it back to life.

A lot of research and many more cups of tea later, everything came together to create So Stay Here - the idea of setting up a company to provide self-catering accommodation and event venues, with the Secret Space as our first project.

So why the Secret Space?

The building is connected to a fantastic community centre, called Warwick Space.  Our vision was to echo that ethos of community and neighbourhood, so we knew that using 'space' within our name was important.

As for the secret bit - well, no one would really know there was a house next door!



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Looking ahead...April 2021

 A year on from going into Lockdown and we are finally getting excited to see what the future holds for the Secret Space. We thought we woul...